Written by
Stanislav Medkov
If you would like to visit some really unusual hookah lounge - thats the thing - go to Kaviar. The concept is that you can smoke in the most comfortable home way - laying in bed Guys have a pretty simple hookah menue by options and prices but a really good selection of hookahs: union, wookah, maklaud and many other brands Regarding the tobacco selection you can find here most (!) of flavors of Darkside. Also possible to get some black burn and Tangiers. Nice loft design, a lot of space. There are one room with a projector where you can watch some movies. Also a space to work with a lap-top. Room with playstation. Have tasted a cocktail "Strong Passion" - very good at all. Regarding the quality of hookah - matched my choice as about flavor as about nicotine and bowl packing. 👍 Unusual concept with beds 👍 Good ventilation and a lot of space 👍 Good selection of hookah models and bowls 👍 Good quality of shisha 👍 Good cocktails ⛔️ Can not say that I like restrooms (toilet) - looks like a "night club" style. Plus the doors there are hm.. not enough private ⛔️ You guys can have better selection of tobacco brands (but anyway big respect for 25+ flavors of Darkside)
Mon8:00 - 1:00
Tue8:00 - 1:00
Wed8:00 - 1:00
The8:00 - 1:00
Fri8:00 - 2:00
Sat8:00 - 2:00
Sun8:00 - 1:00
Hookah price: from 360Kč
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