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Мы не тайм кафе, а место в котором ты платишь 100 рублей за вход и получаешь безлимитное время для своего отдыха!
За нашими дверями тебя ждут уютные столики не только для шумных компаний, но и для деловых встреч, а лаундж-зоны на втором этаже понравятся любителям уединения! ?
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This site is exclusively for for persons over 18 years of age. Site contains information about tobacco products and smoking mixtures and is aimed at providing consumers with reliable and more complete information on the main consumer properties and quality characteristics of hookah tobacco products. If you are under 18 or for you the specified topic of the site is unacceptable, please leave it. By pressing the button "Yes, I’m over 18", you confirm that you are over full 18 years old and you understand what kind of site you are going to visit and agree to receive information, concerning tobacco products. You get this information on its own initiative, at your own risk and independently are responsible for the consequences of such step.